Will You Be There?
Ellis Alberts, Marlene Hoines and Melvin & Doris Alberts are just some of the people you will see at the reunion.
More Pictures
Neil Frey, Ellis Alberts, Claudia Frey
People Plannng to Attend
Dennis & Wanda Wieker - Camping
Pam Gannon & Family
Penny Malwitz & Family
Melvin & Doris Alberts - Cabin
Carolyn Alberts - Camping
Lee Alberts -Camping
Ryan & Melissa Alberts - Camping
Marla Alberts - Cabin
Leonard & Sheri Alberts - Camping
Brandon Alberts - Camping
Michael Alberts - Camping
Nicholas Alberts - Camping
Barb Alberts
Jeff Alberts
Tami Alberts
Neil & Claudia Frey
Violet Alberts
Darrel & Jan Alberts
Harold & Arlyce LaRoche (The name is "Sissy" to family! :-) - Cabin
Bruce & Jeani (Alberts) Hammer
Merle & Faith Alberts
Richard & Joy Alberts
Mel & Arla Selken
Karen Wieker
Kent & Denise Wieker & Family - Camping
Greg & Rhonda Wieker & Family - Camping
Marlene Hoines - Hotel
Please let us know if you plan to attend the reunion on June 28, 2008. We are sure many more families are planning to attend.